Successful People vs. Unsuccessful People
I saw a picture the other day on a wall that I found helpful. It had two columns comparing Successful people to Unsuccessful people. These are not gospel truths, but are true in many ways and apply to all of us whether in the church, the marketplace, or home-life as leaders who shape and influence others around us:
Successful People: Read everyday / Unsuccessful People: Watch TV every day
Successful People: Compliment / Unsuccessful People: Criticize
Successful People: Embrace change / Unsuccessful People: Fear change
Successful People: Forgive others / Unsuccessful People: Hold a grudge
Successful People: Talk about ideas / Unsuccessful People: Talk about people
Successful People: Continuously learn / Unsuccessful People: Think they know it all
Successful People: Accept responsibility / Unsuccessful People: Blame others for their failure
Successful People: Have a sense of gratitude / Unsuccessful People: Have a sense of entitlement
Successful People: Set goals and develop life plans / Unsuccessful People: Just go with the flow
So: evaluate yourself (not others) on how you are doing in these areas. I know I can get better at all of them.