Successful People vs. Unsuccessful People
I saw a picture the other day on a wall that I found helpful. It had two columns comparing Successful people to Unsuccessful people. These are not gospel truths, but are true in many ways and apply to all of us whether in the church, the marketplace, or home-life as leaders who shape and influence…
Read MoreLeaders, who do you spend time with?
Awhile ago I was sitting around with some leaders of a church. They are doing a great job at developing leaders, and I was there to spend some time with their team and learn. At one point I asked them how they decide which leaders to spend time with? Why that question? Because in ministry,…
Read MoreChurch planting is not about church planting.
Church planting is not about church planting. It’s become popular and kind of in style today to see oneself as a church planter – as if it’s the pinnacle of church ministry (it’s not) and something everyone should aspire to (it’s not). It’s become a kind of niche market within Christianity wherein we have networks,…
Read MoreWhy Westside Matters
My friend Norm Funk’s church, Westside Church, just celebrated their 10th anniversary yesterday. Here is a great recap video they did to commemorate the day. So, why does that matter? Why does Westside matter? The first time I met Norm, I had just moved out to B.C. with my wife Erin. It was September 2004.…
Read More3 To Do’s when you’re confused
1999 was a confusing year for me. I started the calendar year thinking film school, started school in a Public Relations degree track at a local college, and by mid-September was studying theology at a school in the city. In college I went from a Youth Ministry major to a passion for scholarship so that…
Read MoreWhy Patience works
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience” -Galatians 5:22 One of the keys to being successful in life – in family, business, leadership, etc., is patience. It’s not often a characteristic that is highlighted about people but it is an essential part of being effective in life. Next week (Tuesday, Sept…
Read MoreMy Interview with Larry Osborne
Every leader needs mentors in their life. One of the men I have the privilege to have in my life is a great leader (and man) – Larry Osborne. Larry is the Lead Pastor of North Coast Church – an innovative and inspiring church of about 10,000 people located in San Diego, California. He and…
Read MoreDisneyland disaster! (or, why you should be trying to fail)
Failure is good. If you are not failing you are not trying. You are being too safe. You are too afraid of criticism. All those famous entrepreneurs we talk about (Jobs, Musk, Branson) all failed in huge ways throughout their lives. Let me give you an example in the spirit of July. Disneyland. It opened…
Read More3 Tips for Preachers
I have a passion to help make Pastor’s more effective at preaching and teaching across Canada in whatever way I can. Often the church drops the ball on excellence when it comes to this area even though it is such an essential part of reaching people in our cities, towns and communities. Churches seem to…
Read MoreListen to the Critics. Ignore the Critics.
Listen to the critics. Ignore the critics. Both are essential to being effective. I think there are people who live in delusion about their skills, gifts, callings etc., People sink too much money and time into business’ and ideas that go no where and even sacrifice their families for unwise directions in life based on…
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